Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

It's the same old story. Platforms like them pay well until they get rolling, then they all do the same thing: Get writers to write for free. Medium did it. Now Newsbreak's doing it. And let's not even TALK about YourTango, which actually gets you to PAY to write for them. I had their top article a couple of years ago that wasn't an astrology piece, and then fell on hard times and couldn't afford to renew my membership. They actually reached out to me to find out where I was, and I had to say, I had a major plumbing disaster and I can't afford to rejoin.

Offer to pay me anything?? HAhahahahahahahahaha.

However, I notice that pieces I wrote years ago for them are now being featured on msn and seen by who knows how many people. Nice exposure, but will I ever see one thin dime? Nope.

As long as millions of people want to write, they've got us by the balls. It's write for free or just don't write. Someone else laughs all the way to the fuckin' bank.

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Here's the thing: it's NOT the same old story. This has a political undercurrent and we were inadvertently roped into recruiting for this stupid site.

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But the "We don't want to pay people" part? THAT part sure ain't new.

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It’s not. Most of these platforms make a point of being bad with paying indie writers.

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I wrote there for a bit. Very creative bookkeeping. They bait and switch writers. You’ll never get as many reads as you do before you qualify for monetization.

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I had no interest in writing for Newsbreak. People's discontent made me more wary. The fact it's got suspicious Chinese connections makes me want nothing to do with it. https://www.reuters.com/technology/top-news-app-us-has-chinese-origins-writes-fiction-with-help-ai-2024-06-05/ Maybe I'm just the product anti-communist Chinese parents. It's all unsavory to me.

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