This is well done and a timely cautionary tale about overwork and sleep deprivation. We truly don’t recognize when we are not functioning well and thinking clearly. Been there, done that, and I am profoundly grateful that “I got away with it” but it was profoundly foolish. Kudos for setting boundaries for both clients and your husband.

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Aug 24Liked by Ossiana Tepfenhart

I recognise this tendency to always need to be doing. Almost two years out of the corporate environment and I still feel guilty for not working in the way that I used to.

I’m glad you’ve been able to make the necessary changes but wow, what a tough, tough way to learn a new way of being.

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I’m so glad you’re taking better care of yourself. Yay to leaning on your spouse sometimes — you can take turns with this. Yay to being sober, too!

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I am glad you found your way through all that. 💚

I have had to pick myself up from too many pieces a few times. Rehab was but one of those times.

You got this!

Enough energy and a determination to do what needs to be done, both for our career and for our self, goes a very long way.

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I could relate to so much of this. Have you been a runner and experienced "runner's high?" I used to. I've been exploring what "runner's high" and near-death experiences (NDEs) have in common. They're not so different. Hormonally, a lot of the same neurochemicals are released.

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I get that high after dancing for 16 hours or so. It's a vibe.

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